VS Code Extension
I wrote an extension for the VS Code editor that allows you to use the official OpenAI API to code, refactor, optimize, write documentation, or answer your questions from OpenAI ChatGPT directly within the editor
Web app for Telegram
After the release of new types of bots in Telegram, I became interested and decided to try it in practice. In the end, I created an "App store" service for bots, channels, and chats. However, discovering new content in Telegram remains a problem, currently relying on word-of-mouth or advertising. P.S. The project is not completed, my goal was to experiment with the new Telegram API, and that has been achieved
b3ts - Decentralized sports betting
In order to self-educate and improve my skills in the Solidity language, I decided to write a decentralized sports betting service. I wrote a server, a frontend, and the smart contract itself. In the process of creating it, Also I learned several interesting things about the field of gambling
Stavropol College of Communication of the Hero Soviet Union V. A. Petrov`'s
Software development (2014 - 2018)
Development of smart contracts on the Solidity (2022)